Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010

This is how Irish I am

After almost 7 months in Ireland I think it's time to let you know how Irish I've become :)

  1. I LOVE eggs, beans and potatoes for lunch.
  2. I also LOVE full irish breakfast. That means: fried eggs, mini sausages, and rasher(?). But no, I dont like black/white pudding *yuk*
  3. I mostly dont wear jackets anymore.
  4. I dont use umbrellas wouldnt work with this wind anyway :)
  5. Dont drive on the right side. Thats weird Oo
  6. It's normal to go to the bar to order a drink/meal in a pub
  7. I would never spend more then 5€ for a shirt and not more then 9€ for a pair of jeans.
  8. I think in English!
  9. I talk to everyone in English!
  10. Going shopping on Sundays or in the middle of the night is normal.
  11. I use English grammar in German "mehr teuer" (more expensive and so) 
  12. I got used to the Irish "punctuality" and finally accepted that everyone and everything is ALWAYS late. And so am I from time to time :)

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