Sonntag, 11. Juli 2010


No, I didn't make a "slip of the pen", they write it that way.
It was fucking amazing! The people, the atmosphere...just everything (though I still like those little concerts more) It was a great experience. I saw Rise Against, 3OH!3 however you say that name , I wanted to see Gossip but that was when I was in the queue for the toilets, Kasabian and MUSE! thats the main band I was there for
Muse were absolutely amazing. They played for almost 2 hours and they were fucking great.
Oh but it rained so much I had to buy a poncho. And there was mud everywhere. Mud, mud, mud and mud. Oh did I mention the mud? :)
I borrowed a pair of wellies from S. and wore one of my jeans which was already broken. The wellies were brown after a while as well as my jeans I'm gonna clean the wellies but I threw away my jeans
I was home at half 3 this morning and my legs hurt really badly :(

Oh and by the way: I think He*mes hates me. They said the package from Dad to me has been delivered, but I didn't get anything!!!!! (Could you please see who signed for the package??)

Cheers and a nice Sunday

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