Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010

Boys, boys, boys

It's been a long time since a boy made me feel special or since any boy at all was interested in me.
Now, there's a boy who makes me feel really special but unfortunately he lives too far away. And then there's another boy who seems to be interested in me as well.
I am very curious about the direction everything might take...

Samstag, 17. Juli 2010

Best night EVER!!!!!!! XD

I went out with M. & K. last night. M. is from Finland and K. is from Germany and they are both au pairs and will also stay until next summer.
Anyway, we met at 5 in Dublin and went to a nice pub. After having a Bulmers there we went to have "dinner" at  McDonald's and the we went to THE gay club in Dublin.
We met a Swedish girl and a Swedish boy there, both friends of M. who work at H* just 10 minutes away from my house :) I. and F were really nice though I was really drunk :)
It was so much fun and F and I talked alot...well, he talked and I listened but it was nice :)
I hope we will go out together again next week.
Did I mention that I'm fucking tired?? I came home at 2 and got up at half 7 cause I had to babysit this morning. But the baby was in bed at half 8 so I could go back to sleep again, too :)

Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010

This is how Irish I am

After almost 7 months in Ireland I think it's time to let you know how Irish I've become :)

  1. I LOVE eggs, beans and potatoes for lunch.
  2. I also LOVE full irish breakfast. That means: fried eggs, mini sausages, and rasher(?). But no, I dont like black/white pudding *yuk*
  3. I mostly dont wear jackets anymore.
  4. I dont use umbrellas wouldnt work with this wind anyway :)
  5. Dont drive on the right side. Thats weird Oo
  6. It's normal to go to the bar to order a drink/meal in a pub
  7. I would never spend more then 5€ for a shirt and not more then 9€ for a pair of jeans.
  8. I think in English!
  9. I talk to everyone in English!
  10. Going shopping on Sundays or in the middle of the night is normal.
  11. I use English grammar in German "mehr teuer" (more expensive and so) 
  12. I got used to the Irish "punctuality" and finally accepted that everyone and everything is ALWAYS late. And so am I from time to time :)

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

Toooooo much :)

Today has been a very busy day.
I had to call the PPS office to get my PPS number so S. can book the theory test for my driver's licence. I finally got through them after calling 5 times and I got my PPS number so thats sorted.
I also had to call a language school down in L. because I wanted to find out how much a preparation course for the CAE exam would cost. It would be 128€ for 16 hours a month which would be 8€ per hour, so thats okay and I would only do it for one month. I did an assignment test to see which English level I have and I got 61 out of 68 question answered rightly :) I could hardly believe it.
So I then looked up the exam schedule for this year although I was not really certain that I really wanted to do it this year. But I consired that it wouldnt be too bad if I did it this year. So I will do Paper 1-4 (the test consists of 5 papers) on 25th September and Paper 5 sometime between 18th and 26th September. The registration fee for the test is 165€.

Montag, 12. Juli 2010

Hermes & stupid neighbours

Who do some people think they are???
My Dad sent a package over to me which - after 3 weeks- hasnt still arrived. So, he looked up the delivering status and it said it has been delivered. He then wrote Hermes an email and they said that it had been delivered to another house number(one house too far) AND it was delivered WITHOUT getting a signature from the acceptor! Are they even ALLOWED to do that??
Anyhoo, my hostmum went over to them yesterday and asked them. They said they brought the package back to the office in the village. But when S. asked which office and where she said "Oh, I saw the van and told the driver to get the package from us". So, basically, she kinda lied. But I dont have any evidence that she did or did not. Whatever she did with the package I hate her/her family.
I just cant understand why somebody would do something like that?
Well, anyhoo, I am more sorry for my Dad cause he spent all the money..............

Sonntag, 11. Juli 2010


No, I didn't make a "slip of the pen", they write it that way.
It was fucking amazing! The people, the atmosphere...just everything (though I still like those little concerts more) It was a great experience. I saw Rise Against, 3OH!3 however you say that name , I wanted to see Gossip but that was when I was in the queue for the toilets, Kasabian and MUSE! thats the main band I was there for
Muse were absolutely amazing. They played for almost 2 hours and they were fucking great.
Oh but it rained so much I had to buy a poncho. And there was mud everywhere. Mud, mud, mud and mud. Oh did I mention the mud? :)
I borrowed a pair of wellies from S. and wore one of my jeans which was already broken. The wellies were brown after a while as well as my jeans I'm gonna clean the wellies but I threw away my jeans
I was home at half 3 this morning and my legs hurt really badly :(

Oh and by the way: I think He*mes hates me. They said the package from Dad to me has been delivered, but I didn't get anything!!!!! (Could you please see who signed for the package??)

Cheers and a nice Sunday

Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010

USA next year??

So, I am thinking about going to the USA next year to live there for 12 months as an Au Pair.
Problem: I need to go with an agency otherwise I dont get the right visa and those agencies are not really cheap. Anyhoo, I did some research already and found a cheap but still really good agency and believe it or not I really found 13 American states which would be okay for me to live in. 13 out of 50 XD Those states are:

  1. Washington mostely Seattle ;) 
  2. Oregon
  3. California just because of Los Angeles ;) 
  4. Montana
  5. Minnesota
  6. Oklahoma
  7. Maine
  8. New York near to the Canadian boarder so really near to Toronto
  9. Connecticut
  10. Massachussetts
  11. New Hampshire
  12. Vermont
  13. Wyoming

The others are generally toooooooooooooo hot during summer and not cold enough in winter I want snow for Christmas for crying out loud ;) 
I would have to come back to Germany first to get the visa and everything so I'd most likely go to America in October or November if everything works 

Montag, 5. Juli 2010


I totally fell in love with that movie. It's f*cking great. No, not just because Jacob (Taylor Lautner) is naked in one scene. Jacob would kinda be the perfect boyfriend apart from him being a werwolf and his forced kiss on Bella he is so cute and sweet and nice and polite and just everything. And yet, Bella still wants to marry Edward and breaks Jake's heart even though she is in love with him as well. And be serious, who could not be totally Team Jacob or at least Team Taylor?


Edward to Bella on Jacob: "Doesnt he own a shirt?" 
Well, lets face it Eddie: Jake is just hotter than you are 

Samstag, 3. Juli 2010


Eclipse was absolutely amazing. Best movie of the saga so far. And I swear at one scene, when Jake was hurt and turned into his human form again, he was TOTALLY NAKED. (you couldn't see anything of course but heart skipped a beat :) ) Cant wait to see it tomorrow again haha 


& for Conni



and ♥ TEAM EMBRY ♥ as well

Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2010

Post from Canada :)

(Yeah, I decided to write in English again)

Today, I got a letter from the Robins' family in Canada, it was dated 26 June 2010 :) So she wrote it on Sunday while watching the football match England - Germany (which by the way was an AWESOME game :) ) I didn't really expect to hear/read from them and now the letter is laying right next to me. Jeesh, the "kids" are so grown-up now. S. is now 18, M. will be 16 in August and J. is 10. M. will be away the whole summer and S. is just taking a year off before going to university.
A. wrote that she will tell everyone in her neighbourhood that I'd like to go to Canada as an Au Pair and that I am in Ireland at the moment.
She was really surprised when she received my letter, probably just as surprised as I was just a few seconds ago :)
And she finally managed to spell my name right she always wrote Isabelle cause she believed that that was my name :)
Im going to right back later so N. can send the letter from work