Samstag, 4. September 2010


Since someone complaint yesterday I don't want to say who; it was my lovely brother F. I decided to write another blog entry.

On the Bank holiday weekend in July last July weekend I went to Cork with L. I booked the hostel online so we paid 14€ for one night because we only stayed there from Saturday to Sunday.
We arrived late on Saturday around 7 pm after a 4 hour bus drive with a very nice stupid bus driver who almost took off without us after a break at the petrol station. He didn't say how long the break would be and just as I was about to pay for my sandwich L saw the bus driving away and we literally had to run after it so the driver stopped the bus and let us back in. Anyway, we arrived in Cork and went looking for our hostel. It was up a very steep hill and I almost wanted to take a taxi but it was okay then. The hostel was very nice and the staff there was great and it was just 5 minutes from the city centre.
We put our bags in our room and decided to go out for a pint or 2. After a few pubs we ended up in a gay nightclub where we spent the rest of the night until 3 am. It was really funny and just great.
L. met a guy so she went to another pub with him and I went back to the hostel I couldn't convince her to come with me and I wanted to sleep.
We met again a few hours later, did some sightseeing and shopping and then took the bus back to Dublin.
It was a great weekend and since it was L's last weekend we were really happy we did it.



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