Montag, 11. Oktober 2010

Something new

Since my last really informative blogentry it has been quite a long time and I'm very sorry about that so here we go again.

- My 21st birthday was on Thursday (OMG I'm becoming old)
- The girls and I are planning the next Bank Holiday Weekend
- I bought new shoes (have a look here) and they were reduced from 65€ to 30€. So my gran's birthday money invested REALLY good hehe
- My Dad+girlfriend were here and they brought my brother with them (of course nobody told me he wa coming 'though my hostdad almost told me by accident)
- one of my friends from Germany was here as well and it was great I hope you had a great time, too, Tobi
- I found Saskia's blog so now you can find it in the links on the right side of the blog

I am so very sorry but I'm out of ideas. Next time is gonna be a longer blogentry. I promise!


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